About Sahitya Sarowar

Sahitya sarowar is the leading supplier and distributor of sahitya(Liteature) books. We assured our customers with personalized attention, who offer valuable insights into the book selection process. Sanskrit literature is the original source of all literature. Literature – It is made from the combination of Sa+Hit+Ya. Sahitya Sarowar provides our customers with wide ranges of literatures such as Hindi literature, Indian literature, History of literature, Biographies and many more.

Hindi Literature

Hindi is one of the most spoken language ​​in India. Three types of literature are found in Hindi – prose , poetry and champu. In India not only the elder people but even the kids are always ready to read and listen hindi literature so by keep in mind you & your little ones interest sahitya sarowar provide wide ranges of Hindi literature by Suryakant Tripathi Nirala, Munsi Premchand and many more.


A biography is simply the story of a real person’s life. At the core of every biography is the story of someone’s humanity. In biography there are the facts of someone’s life  included with life-changing moments often taking center stage. Reading biographies affect indirectly reader’s mental strength in positive way. Sahitya Sarowar provides many biographies like Biography of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi and many more.

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